Welcome to TWT notion where you'll find all our thoughts, ideas and plans. This doc outlines the ways in which our community members can support the success of TWT. Our goals for October involve growing our community to 200 members and forming our first creative fundraising team. With this in mind, we see two clear teams and sets of objectives.

📣 Community Growth

As an ambassador, your goal is to grow the community with expert speed and precision. We're looking for proactive networkers, growth hackers and marketeers. We must curate the community with great care, so think about how you can fill the discord with the best people.

Some ideas on how you could help us include:

You can find our current slide deck here.

You can invite people to the Discord using this link.

🤝 Other Participation

Aside from growing the community, engaging in the Discord will boost our chances of success. Encouraging discussions and participation from other members will make people feel more welcome and influential within the community. We're looking for people to participate in various ways including: